UniTea Live
UniTea has been birthed through the intention of creating a Sacred space to gather collectively and share stories of real life transformation, spiritual wisdom, and multidimensional Lifescape. Co-creating a loving experience that further invites the embodiment of Unity and higher vibrational conscious awareness.
Hosting and highlighting amazing Transformational Teachers, WaySharers and LightSeeds that are dedicated to unity consciousness, heart expansion, and assisting in the ascension of all beings.
Gathering and connecting with the core essence of one another through conscious conversation and the ceremonial sipping of tea.
There is something so sacred, alchemizing and peaceful when we connect through conversation, inviting the sacred Source consciousness of water and the vibrational wisdom of plant consciousness to further expand our hearts.
Many ancient practices are centered around community, sharing wisdom and tea. We are excited to integrate and explore these powerful and soul alchemizing practices together as One.

Dr. John Ryan—
May 3rd at 1pm EST
Dr. John is a board certified specialist physician, with long interest in spirituality, consciousness, and energy-based healing. Dr. John’s life was transformed by a mystical Kundalini awakening in the late 1980’s that led him to explore the reality of Energy Based Healing and Spiritual transformation. For over 20 years he has participated in the emerging energy healing paradigm as an energy healing practitioner and counselor in support of personal transformation. He is an author, speaker, teacher, healer and visionary.
Dr. Ryan is the author of Unity Field Healing – Vol 1 – Foundation of Energy Medicine and Quantum Healing – and the founder of Unity Field Healing – A Quantum Based Meditative Tool for Well Being and “Bio Spiritual Integration”
Sylvie Oliveira—
May 8th at 11am EST
An intuitive channel, transformational guide and crystalline DNA sound potentiator.
Sylvie’s journey into wholistic healing started with her intention to heal herself. She experienced chronic health conditions, an over processing mind and was looking to transform her internal suffering. As a result, Sylvie started studying and practiced several modalities including sound frequencies . She released the imprints of suffering, and with other energy practitioners she was able to re-birth herself. She no longer suffers from the ailments that led her to seek answers. Sylvie’s new awareness of how she healed, and her connection to the Divine and the Divine within her, created a new version of herself and her reality.
Karmen Mesko
— June 9th at 9am EST / 6am PST
Through my extrasensory intuitive abilities and an analytical approach to the information available in the quantum field, I’m bridging cutting-edge medical and quantum science with personalized intuitive readings of the individual quantum blueprints of a person to gain a personalized approach to the challenges in someone’s life. I help you master powerful quantum transformational tools, including deep-state meditation, imagery, guided visualization, and vibrational and quantum medicine principles designed to access unlimited resources.
Based on the information in your unique quantum body-mind-soul blueprint the approach is tailored to your unique needs and soul's desires.

UniTea Live with Altair—
Altair has helped thousands of people around the world in courses, seminars, workshops and individual sessions of Divine Awakening Awareness, Star Being and Meditation Practices and Astral Astrology in Vedic and Tibetan traditions for over 30 years.
His guides are Divine Mother, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin and the Archangels. He has written best-selling books, appeared on television, radio, newspapers and music shows as the healer of hearts and guided well-known sportspeople, politicians, psychics, musicians, spiritual teachers and communities in the Mystical Way of the Light principles
UniTea Live with KaKi Lee—
Ka Ki Lee is the founder and creator of The Abundant Goddess Academy and host of The Awakened Feminine podcast.
UniTea Live with Steven Jahn—
Steven Jahn is a heart alchemist, quantum healer and intuitive life path guide. He dedicates his daily practice and path of service here to assist humanity into deeper discovery and embodiment of their Divine purpose through the light and consciousness of Law of One
UniTea Live with Becca Bee
Becca Bee is an Ascension Guide and Evolutionary Galactic Astrologer, specializing in trauma release, blueprint repatterning and self-empowerment. Through Soul Coaching, QHHT, Human Design and Quantum Astrology, her joy is guiding through the “owners manual” of our divine blueprint, and bringing to light the knowledge that we once knew.
UniTea Live with HaRuKo
Following her heart's calling, she came to America in 1987, and in 1999 she started to receive and express the Gift from Source through drawings guided by Angelic Rabbit-like Light Beings who became like her, a way-shower and teacher to the multidimensional worlds.
She discovered her deep heart’s desire which is to deliver love and inspiration from the Heart of our Creator/Source through her art. Her deep joy led to channeling multi-dimensional Light Codes, Divine Feminine Sacred Geometries, and Blue Prints of New Earth in her free-hand large scale drawings.
Her drawings transmit the energies of various dimensional worlds such as Ascended Masters, Elohim & Seraphim, ArchAngels & Angels, Fairies, Elementals, ETs, Ancient Civilizations and other star systems, and they are like a living cosmic encyclopedia and activate our remembrance and light codes within us. Recently she started to share the light codes through her voice and flutes.
She now has her Blue Star Child Gallery in Mount Shasta, California, which is a multi-dimensional portal and sacred temple, where people can be activated, aligned, inspired and feel HOME by the Source Light at the deep soul level.
She offers Sound Transmission sessions for private groups in her gallery, and also creates Soul Essence Portraits for individuals, as well as offering private Soul Guidance sessions.
UniTea Live with Celeste Palmer
Celeste Palmer is an Intuitive Transformational Guide, Sacred Sound Cellular Alchemist, and
Curandera of traditional medicine of the Amazon.
As a shaman of the light, she is here to assist in the resurrection of the Divine Feminine Sophianic template within humanity and our Great Mother Earth, Sophia Gaia. Through her channeled wisdom and sacred sound codes she assists others in melting away many layers of cellular imprints of separation, fear, and distortion within the physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies.
UniTea Live with Rayania Chaenn
Rayania Chaenn is an Intuitive Guide, Heart Alchemist, Channel, Emissary of the Universe
Rayania Chaenn brings her multi-cultural and multidimensional experiences into her work of healing karmic relationships, calling in the sacred relationship and opening people to their true Self & Higher Dimensions.
Rayania is passionate about supporting people to create freedom, peace and fulfillment inrelationships and life.
UniTea Live with Julia Balaz
For many years Julia felt guided to meticulously study Astrological Charts of her clients AFTER their regression hypnosis (QHHT) sessions. She was looking for some verification on ET information that came up in so many session. As a result of analyzing close to two thousand Astrological charts including Fixed Stars alignments. Julia feels called to share her research data confirming epic cosmic orchestration and influence of the celestial bodies on our lives, supporting our collective evolution. A passionate researcher of Souls journeying through cosmos, Julia shares her fascinating discoveries on her social media and in her online courses.
UniTea Live with Beth Rachel
Beth Rachel is here to support humanity in activating the original human genome and divine Earth blueprint. As a participant in the original planetary design and creation of the Earth she draws upon her soul and cellular memory to help guide humanity back into alignment. Much of her work is in lifting and integrating the veil between the conscious and unconscious collective human awareness and creating harmony between densities and higher frequencies.e a child’s higher dimensional, intergalactic energies with their physical structure here on the Earth plane.
UniTea Live with Kayla Kayce
Kaylaa Kayce is an intuitive channel, Sound Oracle, conscious parenting coach, and multidimensional teacher. She works with harmonic frequencies to adjust and bring stability to the emotional energies of Hybrid and Crystal children. Her unique connection to emotional frequency acts to bridge a child’s higher dimensional, intergalactic energies with their physical structure here on the Earth plane.
UniTea Live with Peter Tongue
Peter Tongue has been on a Spiritual Path for much of his life. Early explorations of chemistry and astrology quickly evolved into studies of alchemy and the afterlife. Over the years, he has gained much insight on humanity's innate ability to transform itself as well as the illusory veil that separates us from other dimensions.
UniTea Live with Avalina Maline
Avalina offers guided support for the awakening process by sharing her gifts as an intuitive channel through energetic transmissions and her inner-standing of quantum energy to guide, support, and harmonize the transformation of consciousness.
UniTea Live with Cathleena Hailey
Cathleena Hailley is an embodiment of the divine feminine who works with the council of 9 collective and in particular with Jesus, Metatron, and other ascended masters. Her coding accesses the womb water of an individual’s birth so that they are brought back to their original soul expression, creating a rebirth to allow full expression of the soul’s imprint. As the lineage of the life Architect her Crystalline DNA signature not only carries the frequency of perfect pitch to align to the original Human templet, Earth templet and this Universes templet, but continually recalibrates this alignment.
UniTea Live with Bryan Henry
Bryan M. Henry is the Founder of Together We Ascend, an organization and community that is on the mission of assisting in collective ascension, and the co-creation of a more harmonious and prosperous world for all. Bryan's purpose is to serve our planetary collective consciousness in it’s ascension to greater expressions of harmony, love, and prosperity. He serves this purpose by activating lightworkers through his Facebook Page, YouTube Channel, and podcast, Awaken. In addition to founding the Ascend Academy, Bryan has created the Activation Process, a 4-phase process that activates in an individual their higher purpose.
UniTea Live with Pam Gregory
Pam Gregory has been involved with astrology for 45 years, it is her passion to help people. She sees astrology as a profound and sacred language of geometry and meaning that helps us to see the bigger picture.
Her interest lies in seeing astrology in the context of our spiritual journey, and how new astrological discoveries are expanding our view of our life on Earth.
UniTea Live with Lincoln Gregar
A spiritual teacher with over 300 channeled videos, Lincoln has guided many with his messages of unconditional love. Born with the gift of a quiet mind, it was only natural that he would be available to Higher Self to bring clear messages through to those who seek his services. His sessions go to the heart of the matter and bring forth direct messages from your Higher Self. The Higher Self empowers you by guiding you to the deeper issues beneath the questions.
UniTea Live with Will Tuttle
Dr. Will Tuttle is an award-winning speaker, educator, author, and musician.
His music, writings, and presentations focus on compassion, intuition, meditation, social justice, and creativity.
Creator of the best-selling book, The World Peace Diet, as well as over a dozen other books and CDs, Dr. Tuttle presents regularly, both online and at conferences and events throughout North America and worldwide.
A former Zen monk with a Ph.D. in education from U.C., Berkeley, he has worked extensively exploring and promoting intuition development, nonviolent living, meditation, healing music, creativity, holistic health, animal liberation, and cultural evolution.
UniTea Live with Rebecca Campbell
Rebecca Campbell is a writer, poet, mystic, artist and mother. All of her creations are dedicated to giving people an experience of their soul. She is the bestselling author of numerous books and oracle decks, including Rise Sister Rise, Letters To A Starseed, Light Is the New Black the Work Your Light Oracle and the Starseed Oracle, and the creator of the Rise Sister Rise Membership and the online courses Work Your Light and Discover Your Cosmic Blueprint. Her books and oracle decks have been translated into 18 different languages and can be found in all corners of the globe. All of her creations are dedicated to supporting people to live a soul-led life.
UniTea Live with Neil Gaur
Neil Gaur is the Founder of Portal to Ascension… a conscious event production company created in 2008 that hosts a wide range of presenters on a variety of topics such as the origins of humanity, the existence of Extraterrestrial life, exposing hidden truths and exploring the nature of reality. He travels the world, with his wife Sol, facilitating gatherings and filming documentaries that are intended to empower the individual to reclaim their sovereignty and awaken to their full potential. Neil also operates an online platform that creates and facilitates about 110 conferences and workshops a year. At this point Portal to Ascension has worked with over 1500 researchers, spiritualists, scientists, consciousness explorers and more. Neil is a philosopher, historian, researcher and spoken word artist. He presents his research on the ancient wisdom and future science of sound, vibration & frequency; as well as in depth explorations into ancient civilizations, archaeological discoveries, space anomalies, shedding light on hidden esoteric wisdom and exploring ways in which we can create unity and peace on Earth.
UniTea Live with Marina Jacobi
Marina Jacobi brings a metaphysical understanding to how we are creating our own realities. Through her Quantum Manifestation series on YouTube, she teaches us how as the One Infinite Particle, we can consciously project our reality into the quantum structure. From a little girl, Marina Jacobi has had the ability to connect with loved ones from the other side, through a process of automatic writing, as well as having vivid dreams that were becoming real. She has also developed the ability to truly connect with different guidance throughout her life. Eventually, Marina relocated to the United States, where she was connected with an E.T. race that called themselves, Hybrids.
UniTea Live with Elizabeth April
Clairvoyant, truth seeker, intuitive psychic, and best-selling author ELIZABETH APRIL (also known as EA), is here on a mission to help humanity awaken. Each week on her podcast and YouTube channel, EA dives into topics like the matrix, simultaneous time, consciousness, quantum physics, spirit guides, aliens, awakening, the mandela effect and much more. EA has been featured on Vice, Bustle, and Gaia TV to name a few, and has spoken at world-renown conferences across North America. Most recently, EA was a featured expert on Unidentified with Demi Lovato (NBC’s Peacock TV).
UniTea Live with Jeilene Tracey
Jeilene Tracey is a Vibrational Geneticist who channels light and sound vibrations to create shifts in the energetic, emotional and physical elements of the body. Working with multidimensional light beings, she identifies areas of imbalance, disease, and disharmony in the body and channels specific tones to address each one.
UniTea Live with Meg Benedicte
Meg Benedicte is a Quantum Healer, Educator, New Earth Wayshower and creator of the Quantum Access® Modality. Working closely with AA Metatron, Meg teaches Metatronian Technology at her Quantum Access® Academy. Meg is an avid explorer of the Ancient Mystery School Tradition and offers Quantum Access® to clients, students and global audiences to enhance living Soul purpose and embodiment. Meet Meg at https://megbenedicte.com and Academy at https://quantumaccess.newearthcentral.com/
UniTea Live with Steve Nobel
Steve Ahnael Nobel is the author of 5 non-fiction books, the most recent is a free Ebook entitled ‘Starseeds’. He was a director of a not for profit spiritual organisation called Alternatives. He has created a healing system called Soul Matrix Healing for Starseeds. He has created a library of free resources including meditations and transmission to help Starseeds which are freely available on his website and YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 126K subscribers. He regularly runs events (at least before all this current Global nonsense) in the UK, Europe and the US.
UniTea Live with Aaron Abke
Aaron’s passion is teaching Unity Consciousness and Spiritual Awakening with the world, and he does so today via YouTube, Social Media, MasterClasses and Workshops, primarily teaching through texts such as "A Course In Miracles" and "The Law of One". Aaron believes that Unity Consciousness and freedom from the Ego is the next evolutionary leap for mankind and is available for anyone who truly desires it.ncluding meditations and transmission to help Starseeds which are freely available on his website and YouTube channel. These meditations and transmissions are played all over the world and so far, the platform has over 126K subscribers. He regularly runs events (at least before all this current Global nonsense) in the UK, Europe and the US.
UniTea Rosie Kuhn
Dr. Rosie Kuhn is the principal of The Paradigm Shifts Coaching Group, a boutique coaching firm which focuses on personal and spiritual development in oneself, in relationships and in the workplace. She is considered a preemminent thought leader in the field of transformation.
UniTea Live with Mary Rodwell
Mary Rodwell is a professional counselor, hypnotherapist, ufology researcher and metaphysician. Mary is the founder and Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource Network) and is recognized internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers in the UFO and contact phenomenon. She is the Vice-President of Star Kids Project Ltd and an Advisory Committee member of Exopolitics.
Mary is the author of Awakening, a book based on her therapeutic work with experiencers. Her new book is called The New Human – Awakening to Our Cosmic Heritage.
UniTea Live with Zoe Davenport
Zoe Davenport is the founder of The Haven Collective. A high-frequency container for creators of the New Earth Paradigm. Light leaders who are coming together to amply the field through the potency of collective group consciousness. She is a gifted Multi-Dimensional Channel, Psychic Visionary, Energy expert, Author, Speaker & Coach.
UniTea Live with Paul Selig
Paul Selig is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. In his breakthrough works of channeled literature — I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, The Book of Knowing and Worth, The Book of Mastery, The Book of Truth, The Book of Freedom, and the Beyond the Known Trilogy: Realization, Alchemy, and The Kingdom (see books page) — author and medium Paul Selig has recorded an extraordinary program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature.
Penney Peirce - The Abundant Gifts of Transparency
As we leave the Information Age and enter the new, transparent Intuition Age—we’re increasingly experiencing how it feels to be super-clear and awake. As you dissolve the causes of your old opacity, life shifts to become frictionless and the soul’s motives materialize without distortion. The results are genius, effortless results, joyful service, and unlimited possibilities which can best support you in vibrating out of density and into greater states of health, harmony, abundance and love.
UniTea’s Summer Tea Recipe
Each month we will create a blend of tea that supports and nourishes the collective energy forecast.
We have chosen a flavorful and aromatic bouquet of summer zen in this nutritionally packed blend of tea. It is meant to assist with digestion, lower anxiety and stress, support our immune system, and allow for more joy in our hearts!!
We encourage all who connect for the show to join us in enjoying a sacred cup of consciousness!
“Self-Love Blend”
Jasmine flower + rose hips + raspberry leaf + rose petals + hibiscus flowers + elderflower + lemon balm