UniTea Live with Marina Jacobi


About Marina Jacobi

Marina Jacobi brings a metaphysical understanding to how we are creating our own realities. Through her Quantum Manifestation series on YouTube, she teaches us how as the One Infinite Particle, we can consciously project our reality into the quantum structure. From a little girl, Marina Jacobi has had the ability to connect with loved ones from the other side, through a process of automatic writing, as well as having vivid dreams that were becoming real. She has also developed the ability to truly connect with different guidance throughout her life. Eventually, Marina relocated to the United States, where she was connected with an E.T. race that called themselves, Hybrids.

The Hybrids taught Marina to telepathically connect and hear them with the new metaphysical teachings. She learned the structure of the universe, and the connection with consciousness, the quantum field, parallel realities, dimensions, and the true existence and nature of the E.T. races.

Jessica Ventura